WooCommerce Customer Deposit session offers one flow which takes care of creating Customer Deposits for the sales orders in NetSuite.
DataFlow 1: Customer Deposit – Add Customer Deposit from NetSuite Order to NetSuite Customer Deposit
This flow will create Customer Deposits in NetSuite for the Sales Orders imported from WooCommerce.
Part A: Setting the integrator.io side of things –
Steps to configure flow: –
- Log in to integrator.io
- Click on WooCommerce – NetSuite Integration App
Click on the Settings → Customer Deposit tab and select the required saved search.
PART B: Setting NetSuite side of things
Steps to configure the saved search:
- Type: novamodule Auto-create Customer Deposit in the Global Search in NetSuite and find the correct saved search.
- Edit the saved search and go to the criteria. Add the below fields and select the required Sales Order statuses in the Status field.
- Go to the results, make sure to have the “Customer Internal Id” field in the results.
- Go to flow mappings and add if there are additional fields that are needed and run the flow.
1. How to add the default Deposit account mapping in IO for the Customer Deposit record in NetSuite?
Open the Customer deposit flow field mappings and add the account(Name)/account(Internal Id) field. Go to Setting icon>>Select the correct account in the drop-down and save it.
Next Steps