• Updated

How to Subscribe Return Authorization Real-Time flow?

Webhooks are HTTP callbacks processed and sent by Loop to a pre-defined URL. They allow your application to receive information from Loop without reaching out to Loop via an API call. Each webhook has a topic, which defines the information payload, & a trigger, which determines the event which triggers the request to be sent from Loop.
Return is one of the webhook topics.
  • Return created: A new return was submitted in the Returns Portal
Follow the below process to set up a webhook for returns(LoopReturns Return to NetSuite Return Authorization Add – realtime).
    • Step 1: Open the real-time flow-export(webhook listener) and copy the Public URL, please see the attachment below for reference.
      • Example Public URL: https://api.integrator.io/v1/exports/62020b3be7510138ba588749/******/data
      • Note: This URL varies from export to exportStep1_Webhook_listerner.png

    • Step 2: For the copied Public URL, replace the “*****”with “vPF3E1QKTtVnrmrRSNCs”and add the URL in Loopreturns while creating the Returns webhook, please see the attachment below.
    • Step 3: After creating the webhook initially, the webhook will be in inactive state, change the state to active.
      • Step3_Loop_Webhook_page.png
      • Step3_Loop_Webhook_creation.png
      • Step3_Loop_Activate_the_weebhook.png
    • Step 4: Now enable the real-time flow in Integrator.io and click send test in the LoopReturns created Return webhook, check if the real-time flow in integrator.io runs or not.
      • Step4_Loop__Testing_created_webhook.png
    • Step 5: If the real-time flow in Integrator.io runs and errors out then the webhook is triggered/ created correctly.


How to Subscribe Label Update Real Time flow?

Webhooks are HTTP callbacks processed and sent by Loop to a pre-defined URL. They allow your application to receive information from Loop without having to reach out to Loop via an API call. Each webhook has a topic, which defines the information payload, & a trigger, which determines the event which triggers the request to be sent from Loop.
Label is one of the webhook topics.
  • Label updated: A shipping label has been updated (e.g. status has changed from “new” to “in transit”)
Follow the below process to set up a webhook for Label update(LoopReturns Return to NetSuite Return Authorization Label Update– realtime).
  • Step 1: Open the real-time flow export(webhook listener) and copy the Public URL, please see the attachment below for reference.
  • Step 2: For the copied Public URL, replace the “*****”with “c99eb3c8bf624abc8e83df31778b5045″and add the URL in Loop Returns while creating the Label updated webhook, please see the attachment below.
  • Step 3: After creating the webhook initially, the webhook will be in inactive state, change the state to active.
    • step3_loop_labelupdate_page.png
    • step3_loop_labelupdate_activate.png
  • Step 4: Now enable the real-time flow in Integrator.io and click send test in the LoopReturns created Label updated webhook, check if the real-time flow in integrator.io runs or not.
    • step4_loop_labelupdate_test.png
  • Step 5: If the real-time flow in Integrator.io runs and errors out then the webhook is triggered/ created correctly.


If you have any questions, please contact us through the support widget.