How to Subscribe Return Authorization Real-Time flow?
Webhooks are HTTP callbacks processed and sent by Loop to a pre-defined URL. They allow your application to receive information from Loop without reaching out to Loop via an API call. Each webhook has a topic, which defines the information payload, & a trigger, which determines the event which triggers the request to be sent from Loop.
Return is one of the webhook topics.
- Return created: A new return was submitted in the Returns Portal
Follow the below process to set up a webhook for returns(LoopReturns Return to NetSuite Return Authorization Add – realtime).
- Step 1: Open the real-time flow-export(webhook listener) and copy the Public URL, please see the attachment below for reference.
- Example Public URL:******/data
- Note: This URL varies from export to export
- Step 2: For the copied Public URL, replace the “*****”with “vPF3E1QKTtVnrmrRSNCs”and add the URL in Loopreturns while creating the Returns webhook, please see the attachment below.
- Step 3: After creating the webhook initially, the webhook will be in inactive state, change the state to active.
- Step 4: Now enable the real-time flow in and click send test in the LoopReturns created Return webhook, check if the real-time flow in runs or not.
- Step 5: If the real-time flow in runs and errors out then the webhook is triggered/ created correctly.
- Step 1: Open the real-time flow-export(webhook listener) and copy the Public URL, please see the attachment below for reference.
How to Subscribe Label Update Real Time flow?
Webhooks are HTTP callbacks processed and sent by Loop to a pre-defined URL. They allow your application to receive information from Loop without having to reach out to Loop via an API call. Each webhook has a topic, which defines the information payload, & a trigger, which determines the event which triggers the request to be sent from Loop.
Label is one of the webhook topics.
- Label updated: A shipping label has been updated (e.g. status has changed from “new” to “in transit”)
Follow the below process to set up a webhook for Label update(LoopReturns Return to NetSuite Return Authorization Label Update– realtime).
- Step 1: Open the real-time flow export(webhook listener) and copy the Public URL, please see the attachment below for reference.
- Example Public URL:******/data
- Note: This URL varies from export to export.
- Step 2: For the copied Public URL, replace the “*****”with “c99eb3c8bf624abc8e83df31778b5045″and add the URL in Loop Returns while creating the Label updated webhook, please see the attachment below.
- Step 3: After creating the webhook initially, the webhook will be in inactive state, change the state to active.
- Step 4: Now enable the real-time flow in and click send test in the LoopReturns created Label updated webhook, check if the real-time flow in runs or not.
- Step 5: If the real-time flow in runs and errors out then the webhook is triggered/ created correctly.
If you have any questions, please contact us through the support widget.