DataFlow : LoopReturns Cancelled Returns to NetSuite Return Authorization Cancel
On cancelling the returns in LoopReturns, our integration will export the cancelled returns from the loop and close the return authorization in NetSuite.
Integration App has the following 2 flows to close the return authorizations in NetSuite
- LoopReturns Cancelled Returns to NetSuite Return Authorization Cancel
- LoopReturns Cancelled Returns to NetSuite Return Authorization Cancel (Retry)
The first flow is the batch flow which will export all the modified returns in LoopReturns from the flow lastExportDateTime and the return status is “cancelled”. For all the returns that are exported, return authorization will be closed in NetSuite which changes the return authorization status to CLOSED.
The second flow is the retry flow which is based on the NetSuite saved search. The saved search will get all the NetSuite Return Authorizations that are created by our IA and are in “Pending Refund” status. For every record on the NetSuite Saved search, will look up LoopReturns for return status. If the return status is “cancelled”, will close the return authorization in NetSuite else will ignore the record. This is a brute force method, to make sure we don’t miss closing any NetSuite Return Authorizations that our IA imported. The retry flow runs based on the saved search, so we can add criteria of our choice on what Return authorization we want the search to close in NetSuite.
Return Statuses: can configure the flow to support pulling both cancelled and closed status returns from LoopReturns and closing the return authorization in NetSuite with the multi-select option shown in the below screenshot.
Cutoff Start Date and Time: We have a “Cutoff start Date and Time” field to stop exporting any Loopreturns returns that got created before the set value date. So if we set the date to 10/20/19, our integration app will only process the records that got created on or after 10/20/19 and updated after the flow lastExportDateTime in LoopReturns. If this is left empty it will then bring all the LoopReturns records that got updated after the lastExportDateTime of the flow and doesn’t care about when a return is created in LoopReturns.
Ignore cancellation of return authorizations for closed returns in LoopReturns: In case the Return status “closed” is selected on the first setting, we can use this option to skip the cancellation/closing for the NetSuite Return Authorization of the status selected here. This is the multi-select field. For example, if we choose 3 options Pending Receipt, Partially Received, Pending Refund/Partially Received and Cancelled, Closed selected for the first setting “Select a return status to close return authorization in NetSuite *“. Then for every closed status return in LoopReturns, our integration will check the corresponding NetSuite Return Authorization status, if it’s one of the 3 options selected, then it will ignore it, else will cancel/close the Return Authorization in NetSuite. This setting will only come into effect if the “Closed” status is selected in the “Select a return status to close return authorization in NetSuite *” setting and will apply only for the “closed” status returns. For Cancelled returns in LoopReturns, our integration blindly cancel/close the Return Authorization in NetSuite without checking any NetSuite return authorization status.
- Only the Return Authorizations that are imported into NetSuite via our IA can be cancelled/closed in NetSuite
- Once the Return Authorizations is cancelled/closed in NetSuite, cannot revert the status
DataFlow : NetSuite Cancelled Return Authorization to LoopReturns Cancel Returns
Our Integration App has the ability to cancel the returns in LoopReturns as long as they are not closed in LoopReturns. If the Return Authorization that is imported by our IA is cancelled/closed in NetSuite, integration can cancel them in LoopReturns.
Integration App has the following flow to cancel the return in LoopReturns
- NetSuite Cancelled Return Authorization to LoopReturns Cancel Returns
The flow runs based on the saved search, the criteria for the saved search is set to get all the cancelled/closed status Return Authorizations that are created by our IA. All the records in the saved search are cancelled in the LoopReturns. Since the flow runs based on the saved search, we can add criteria of our choice on what returns are to be cancelled in LoopReturns.
- Only the Return Authorizations that are imported into NetSuite via our IA are eligible to get cancelled in the LoopReturns
- Does not support reversing the canceled Returns in Loop Returns to an open state.
If you have any questions, please contact us through the support widget.