Configure - Refund Flow

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DataFlow : LoopReturns Refund to NetSuite Cash Refund/Credit Memo Add

LoopReturns changes the status of a return in its system to “closed” when a refund is processed. The integration will export the closed returns and create the cash refunds/credit memos based on the billing process changing return authorization status to refunded.

  1. LoopReturns Refund to NetSuite Cash Refund/Credit Memo Add
  2. LoopReturns Refund to NetSuite Cash Refund/Credit Memo Add(Retry)

The first flow is the batch flow which will export all the modified returns in LoopReturns from the flow lastExportDateTime and the return status “closed”. For all the returns that are exported, based on the NetSuite billing record type Cash Refund (in case of cash sale record) OR a Credit Memo (in case of invoice record) will be created in NetSuite. Also, there is an option to always create a single refund record type (Cash Refund or Credit Memo) irrespective of the billing record type.

The second flow is the retry flow which is based on the NetSuite saved search. The saved search will get all the NetSuite Return Authorizations that are created by our IA and are in “Pending Refund” status. For every record on the NetSuite Saved search, will look up LoopReturns for return status. If the return status is “closed”, will import a Cash Refund (in case of cash sale record) OR a Credit Memo (in case of invoice record) in NetSuite else will ignore the record.

This is a brute force method, to make sure we don’t miss creating a Cash Refund (in case of cash sale record) OR a Credit Memo (in case of invoice record) for the NetSuite Return Authorizations that our IA imported. The retry flow runs based on the saved search, so we can add criteria of our choice on what refunds we want to import back into NetSuite.

Cutoff Start Date and Time:We have a “Cutoff start Date and Time” field to stop exporting any Loopreturns returns that got created before the set value date. So if we set the date to 10/20/19, our integration app will only process the records that got created on or after 10/20/19 and updated after the flow lastExportDateTime in LoopReturns. If this is left empty it will then bring all the LoopReturns records that got updated after the lastExportDateTime of the flow and doesn’t care about when a return is created in LoopReturns.


  1. All the features [like Group the Items, Get details from the parent record, Discounts, Sales Tax, Exchanges/Advanced Exchanges/Instant Exchanges/Different Priced Exchanges/Shop Now, Upselling, Store Credit, Information] that are available for the Return Authorization import are available for these flows as well. Also, the functionality also be similar to the Return Authorization import flow.
  2. Only the Return Authorizations that are imported into NetSuite via our IA are eligible to import the Cash Refund (in case of cash sale record) OR a Credit Memo (in case of invoice record)
  3. Cannot bring any details about the exchange order placed or the order placed with store credit.
  4. Cannot bring the Refund payment method that is used for the refunds.
  5. Cannot form any link between the new exchange Sales Order or order placed with store credit with Netsuite return in NetSuite.
  6. Cannot bring store credit gift card number or its last 4 digits.

DataFlow : LoopReturns to Netsuite Customer Refund Add

If the billing record is an invoice our integration creates a credit memo for the return authorization refund. The credit memo status will be open until we create a customer refund for the credit memo. Creating a customer refund will change the credit memo open status to fully applied.

Integration App has the following flow to create a customer refund in case of credit memos

  1. LoopReturns to Netsuite Customer Refund Add

The flow runs based on the saved search, the criteria for the saved search is set to get all the credit memos that are created by our IA and status “open”. For every record on the NetSuite Saved search, will look up LoopReturns for return details and Shopify for the sales order details. Based on the details available will create a customer refund in NetSuite changing the credit memo open status to fully applied.

  1. Only the Credit Memos that are imported into NetSuite via our IA are eligible to import the customer refunds.
  2. Loop Returns does not have any specific identifier(like Shopify Refund Id) to identify the exact refund transactions in Shopify API data, but Shopify order details will be available for the mappings.

Next Steps

Configure Cancellations