Scenario: A Shopify Order that was originally paid using Shopify Store Credit is returned, the refund method would be Shopify Store Credit and needs to be accounted for in NetSuite.
Solution: Additional mappings enable the capture of Shopify Store Credit the capture of Shopify Store Credit on the Cash Refund in NetSuite.
- Create a Non-Inventory Item in NetSuite
- For Cash Refunds/Credit Memos, follow steps 4-6
- For Customer Refunds, follow steps 7-9
- In, go to the Loop Returns - NetSuite IA and open the flow named “LoopReturns Refund to NetSuite Cash Refund/Credit Memo Add”
Cash Refunds/Credit Memos
- If you use Cash Refunds, click on the mappings for the “NetSuite - Cash Refunds Import” bubble
- If you use Credit Memos, click on the mappings for “NetSuite - Credit Memo Import” bubble
- Replicate the mappings below
- Rate mapping - This handlebar expression {{#each refunds}}{{#compare this.gateway "shopify_store_credit"}}-{{this.amount}}{{/compare}} needs to be used for the rate mapping for customLine. (If you already have customLine mappings, please see the Important Information section below)
- Item Mapping - will be hardcoded to the non-inventory item created in Step 1 above.
- Price Level mapping - this mapping should be hardcoded to -1 which is the Internal ID for “Custom Price”.
- Quantity mapping - this mapping should be hardcoded to 1.
- Tax Code mapping - include the taxcode mapping if needed.
- Customer Refunds If you use Credit Memos, Shopify Store Credit will need to be ignored on the Customer Refund since it is already being accounted for on the Credit Memo. In order to do this, follow the steps below:
- In, go to the Loop Returns - NetSuite IA.
- If you use the flow named “LoopReturns to NetSuite Customer Refund Add”, open it.
- Click on the “+” in the “NetSuite - Customer Refund Import” bubble
- Click on the “input filter” button that shows
- Add the input filter rule record.refund_gateway not equals shopify_store_credit and save & close the input filter popup
- If you use the flow named “LoopReturns to NetSuite Customer Refund Add”, open it.
- If you use the flow named “LoopReturns to NetSuite Customer Refund Add with Multiple Refunds & Refund Methods”, open it.
- Click on the “+” in the NetSuite - Customer Refund Import” bubble
- Click on the “input filter” button that shows
- Add the input filter rule record.gateway not equals shopify_store_credit and save & close the input filter popup
Note: This will automatically update the mappings on the LoopReturns Refund to NetSuite Cash Refund/Credit Memo Add(Retry)
Important Information:
- The customLine mappings are used by the LoopReturns - NetSuite IA to configure mappings other than exchanges, discounts, gift cards and handling fees as these are handled by default by the IA. Up to 5 sets of customLine mappings can be used so if your LoopReturns - NetSuite IA already has customLines mapped, please use a different suffix. For example
If you have any questions or require further assistance, please submit a ticket request or email We're always happy to help!