Configure - Stripe Payment to NetSuite Customer Payment Add On Demand

  • Updated
Data Flow Stripe Payment to NetSuite Customer Payment Add On Demand
Flow Type Scheduled
NS Record Customer Payment, Novamodule Stripe Customer Payment Lookup Template




The flow “Stripe Customer to NetSuite Customer Add/Update On Demand” gets the payment id(ids) from settings and Import(imports) as NetSuite customer payment


  • Once the payment id is given and saved in the settings, this flow triggers a webhook to get the data of that payment(payments) from Stripe
  • Using a lookup gets the list of customer payments which have the Stripe Payment Id as empty from Novamodule Stripe Customer Payment Lookup Template saved search
  • Checks if the Stripe Payment Id is empty in NetSuite and the Payment status is either paid or succeeded in Stripe
  • Creates a customer payment in NetSuite and updates it with Stripe Payment Id and applies it on the respective invoice.
  • Updates the payment metadata in Stripe with the NetSuite Customer Payment Id.


Configure IO Settings:


  •  Click on Settings - Payments - Stripe to NetSuite 


  • Account for NetSuite Payments
    • Select account to add for customer payments


  • Select the NetSuite saved search for the list of customer payments which have the Stripe Payment Id as empty fromNovamodule Stripe Customer Payment Lookup Template” saved search. Make a copy of the saved search and use the copied saved search for any additional criteria or results


  • Update NetSuite Payment Id to Stripe Metadata
    • Check this checkbox to update netsuite payment id into stripe metadata

IO Mappings: 

● Adjust the mappings if needed like location mapping.