Configure - Stripe Credit Note to NetSuite Credit Memo Add and Customer Refund Add On Demand

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Data Flow Stripe Credit Note to NetSuite Credit Memo Add and Customer Refund Add On Demand
Flow Type Realtime
NS Record Credit Memo, Customer Refund




The flow “Stripe Credit Note to NetSuite Credit Memo Add and Customer Refund Add” gets the credit note id(ids) from settings and creates a credit memo it to , if the credit note includes a refund it creates a customer refund record in NetSuite


  • Once the credit note id is given and saved in the settings, this flow triggers a webhook to get the data fo that credit note(notes) from Stripe
  • Gets the Invoice line items using Stripe Lookup
  • A filter checks if a customer balance transaction exists for that customer and if yes, gets the customer balance transaction for the customer using Stripe Customer balance Transaction Lookup
  • A filter checks if a refund exists for that credit note, if yes, it gets the refund using Stripe Lookup
  • It creates a credit memo record for the credit note in NetSuite
  • If the credit note has a refund to it it also creates a customer refund record in NetSuite


Configure IO Settings:


  •  Click on Settings - Refunds - Stripe to NetSuite 



  • Enter Credit note id to trigger the webhook


  • Select the Account for NetSuite Customer Refund from Stripe Credit Note 


  • Add the NetSuite non-inventory item for applied balance as a line item on the credit memo record

IO Mappings: 


  • Create Credit Memo from Stripe Credit Note
    • Mapping location, amount and item details
    • Uses a dynamic lookup to get the created from invoice internal id using the following filter ["custbody_nm_stripe_invoice_id","is","{{{invoice}}}"]
    • Stripe Credit note id and external id in NetSuite are mapped to the credit note Id from Stripe
  • Update Stripe Credit note Metadata with NetSuite Customer Refund Id


Add the mappings as mentioned below

  • Source record field (Stripe)
    • Give the name of the field you want to get the value from
  • Destination record field (Stripe)
    • Enter metadata followed by the name you wish to give to the field
