Implementation Overview
In general terms, the entire implementation process whether done as a self-implementation or a managed implementation consists of several stages:
1) Prerequisites
2) Installation
3) Configuration
4) Testing (UAT)
5) GoLive
Before the installation, configuration and testing can begin, it is important to complete the prerequisites listed below.
Access to Stripe Account
You will need access to your Stripe account administrator. Either create one or ensure you have credentials to access. Click here to see details on how to create one if needed.
Go to Stripe App Marketplace and search for "Melissa Address Validation". You can also use this direct link to the app.
Click Install app.
- Once the Melissa Address Validation app is installed, it will be available in the apps navigation dock which is typically on the right hand side of the screen.
Go to View app settings.
- Click Sign up now.
- Add first name, last name, and email. Then click Submit.
- Add a payment method to prevent service interruptions.