Add Tax Amount as a Line Item
This feature enables the option to add the tax amount as an extra line item. To enable this feature below fields should be configured
- Novamodule add tax line (custbody_nm_add_tax_line) should be checked.
- Novamodule add tax line item id ( custbody_nm_add_tax_line_item) should have proper non-inventory item id.
- Novamodule Total Tax Amount (custbody_nm_total_tax_amount) should have a total tax amount value.
Once the record is saved the "Novamodule Tax Calculations” script will trigger at “Before Submit” on create and based on the above setting it will add an extra line.
Overwrite Tax Amounts on Line Level
This feature enables the option to overwrite tax code/tax rates on line-level items. To enable this feature below fields should be configured.
- Novamodule override line tax (custbody_nm_override_line_tax) should be checked
- Line Level:
- Novamodule Item Amount(custcol_nm_item_tax_amount) should have item amount.
- Novamodule Item Tax Amount(custcol_nm_item_amount ) should have an item tax amount value.
- Novamodule Calculated Tax rate (custcol_nm_item_cal_taxrate) populate the item level tax rate if available.
- Novamodule override tax code (custbody_nm_override_taxcode): check this check box if the customer needs to override the tax code.
- Novamodule Tax Code ID (custbody_nm_taxcode_id): populate the NetSuite tax code ID.
Once the record is saved the "Novamodule Tax Calculations” script will trigger at “Before Submit” on create and based on the above settings below actions will take place.
- If the customer opt-in for “override tax code” then the script updates the tax code based on the “Novamodule Tax Code ID” field on each line.
- The line-level tax rate will be calculated based on the below configuration.
- If the “Novamodule Calculated Tax rate” field has value then it will be considered the final line-level tax rate. If not, the below logic will considers.
- Get the tax rate based on the fields “Novamodule Item Amount” and “Novamodule Item Tax Amount”.
- Once the line-level tax rate is available then it will be updated on each line item. (taxrate1)
Overwrite Tax Amount on NetSuite
This feature enables the option to overwrite tax amounts. To enable this feature below fields should be configured
- Novamodule override tax amount(custbody_nm_override_tax_amount) should be checked
- (custbody_nm_total_tax_amount) should have a total tax amount value.
Once the record is saved the "Novamodule Tax Calculations” script will trigger at “Before Submit” on create and based on the above settings below actions will take place.
- The script will update the NetSuite core field “taxamountoverride” with the “Novamodule Total Tax Amount” field value.
Overwrite Shipping Tax
This feature enables the option to overwrite the shipping tax code/ tax rate. To enable this feature below fields should be configured
- Novamodule Override Shipping Tax (custbody_nm_override_shipping_tax) should be checked
- Novamodule Shipping Amount (custbody_nm_total_shipping_amount) should have shipping amount
- Novamodule Shipping Tax Amount(custbody_nm_total_shipping_tax_amount) should have a shipping tax amount value.
Once the record is saved the "Novamodule Tax Calculations” script will trigger at “Before Submit” on create and based on the above settings below actions will take place
- If the customer opt-in for “override tax code” then the script updates the shipping tax code based on the “Novamodule Tax Code ID” field on each line.
- The shipping tax rate will be calculated based on the below
- Get the tax rate based on the fields “Novamodule Shipping Amount” and “Novamodule Shipping Tax Amount”.
- Once the shipping tax rate is calculated, it will be updated shipping tax rate (shippingtax1rate).