Versions 1.1.5 & 1.1.9 [November 2024]
- NetSuite bundle updates (with SuiteScripts) to support Payouts greater than 10K lines.
Version 1.1.0 [November 2024]
- Added support for Payouts greater than 10K lines to workaround the NetSuite 10K line item limit. Deposits will be split into 1000 or 2000 lines (based on a setting that the user can choose)
Version 1.0.7 [March 2024]
- Added support for the following transaction types (for the Deposit record in NetSuite):
- balance_transfer_inbound
- reserved_funds
- refund_failure
- Implemented an upgrade script to add transaction types as a dropdown for Account Mappings for the existing customers
Version 1.0.6 [February 2024]
- Simplified payout tracking and reconciliation by mapping Stripe transaction types with separate NetSuite Deposit accounts (in the configuration settings)
Version: 1.0.5b [October 2023]
- Support for replace all lines on a deposit record when mapping is added
Version: 1.0.5 [June 2023]
- Support for Stripe Connect transactions
Version: 1.0.4 [February 2023]
- Added configurable account for financing_paydown transactions
- Added configurable account for multi-currency variance transactions
- Support for cash sale and refund transaction