Configure - Item Fulfillment Flow

  • Updated

Its main purpose is to create Item Fulfillment based on Sales Orders in NetSuite.

DataFlow 2:  Item fulfillment - Add Item fulfillment from NetSuite Order to NetSuite Item fulfillment

This flow will create Item fulfillment in NetSuite for the Sales Orders.

PART A: Setting NetSuite side of things

Steps to configure the saved search:

  1. Type ‘novamodule Auto-create Item fulfillment Template ’ in the Global Search in NetSuite and hit enter; NetSuite will return the list of all saved searches that match the request. Select the relevant saved search, click Edit, and update the name of the saved search to clearly know that a particular saved search is the one you modified and will use in the integration. You can update the saved search name by adding an extra word to it – e.g. “novamodule Auto-create Item fulfillment Template ” This way out of many saved searches with the same name you can be sure you are using the one that you need.IF-1.png
  2. Save the saved search with updated name.IF-2.png

PART B: Configuring the Integration app.

  1. Login to your account and select the “NetSuite Customer Deposit – NetSuite Connector” tile by clicking on it;
  2. Under the Settings section, pick the right saved search in this field ‘Select a NetSuite Saved Search to novamodule Auto-create Item fulfillment *’
  3. It is suggested that you restrict the saved search to only return the result for 1 transaction so you can test it. You can add a specific record internal id in the criteria of the saved search.NetSuite_Saved_Search_Internal_ID_Criteria.png
  4. Save and Run the saved search and ensure you only have 1 test transaction in the saved search.NetSuite_Saved_Search_Preview.png
  5. If you do, you can run the integration data flow now to perform the test.Integrator.io_-_Turn_on_flow.pngNOTE: If you’d like to re-perform the test on the same sales order, you need to delete the customer deposit record created by the integration as part of your initial test, then uncheck the checkbox ‘NetSuite Auto Deposit Exported’ (located under the Custom tab of the sales order record) so the same sales order can be pulled up again in the saved search.


Ship Complete: This option will allow the creation of the Item fulfillment only when all line items on the sales order are fully committed. One Item fulfillment is created for one sales order.

Partial line Fulfillments: This option will create the Item fulfillment for all the line items that are fully committed. In case the sales order has both back ordered line items and fully committed line items, then it will create an Item fulfillment for the fully committed line items, once the other items are back in stock and committed, it will create the item fulfillment for the back in stock items. One or more item fulfillments are created for one sales order. Sales orders with single line items will always have one Item fulfillment

Partial Quantity Fulfillments: This option will create the Item fulfillment for the line items that have at least 1 or more quantities committed. If a sales order has a single line item with 10 quantities if 5 are committed and 5 are back-ordered. Item fulfillment will be created for quantity 5, as the remaining quantity gets committed, the Item fulfillment gets created. One or more item fulfillments are created for one sales order. Sales orders with single line items will have one or more Item fulfillment.

Auto Lot Setup: This option helps to set the inventory details for the lot-numbered items to create the Item fulfillment. Based on the internal id, our script gets the oldest LOT first and applies that for inventory detail, in case the quantity of the LOT is not sufficient, then get the second oldest LOT and set it for the remaining quantity, this process will continue until the LOTs are set for the entire quantity.

Multi-Location: In case a sales order has line items that belong to multiple locations, the integration app will create multiple item fulfillments one for each location.

Multi Shipgroup: In case a sales order has line items that belong to multiple shipgroup, the integration app will create multiple item fulfillments one for the shipgroup.

Not Supported

  1. Auto-setting the inventory details for the serialized numbers is not supported
  2. Setting Bins via Integration is not supported. NetSuite should handle assigning the bins on its own
  3. To use Ship Complete, Partial line Fulfillments, and Partial Quantity Fulfillments features, the line item inventory COMMIT status should be Available Qty or Complete Qty should not be Do Not Commit

Next Steps

Take a look at the Q&A section of the implementation guide on the left-hand side of the screen. Some of those answers/scenarios may be applicable to your integration/automation.